Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission
Little Rock, AK

Dear Mr. Karp,

Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to make our 2011 Rollin’ On a New Era conference such a great success. Over 200 people attended the conference, and preliminary results from our evaluations are excellent!

Your keynote hit the mark in every way. You empowered our audience to think about what they can do. The discussion of modern disability provided a new paradigm to think about individuals with spinal cord disabilities in all aspects of life.

As moderator of our Employment First panel, you led a lively discussion of the role of employment and work in our lives and debunked many of the myths about the disincentives.

In every aspect of your presentations, you kept folks engaged and interested, and the juggling helped too.

Several participants have called me this week to say that they thought your presentation was one of the best ever in our twenty years of providing conferences for people with spinal cord disabilities in Arkansas.

We certainly could not have been as successful without your commitment and expertise. We appreciate your time and preparations to support our Commission and our goals for providing educational opportunities to our clients, their families, and the health care community.

When the commission or I personally can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Cheryl L. Vines
Executive Director