Gary Karp teaching a group of professionals sitting at tables.

What Modern Disability Trainings Achieve
for Your Organization

  • Ensure people with disabilities are seen as real people
  • Protection from missing or losing an important contributor
  • Achieve an important component of diversity in your workforce
  • Help ensure ADA and OFCCP compliance, reduce complaints
  • Help everyone relax and get the job done

The Training Programs

Get up to speed with the recent, dramatic transformations in the Modern Disability
experience, and understand their implications for people with disabilities as full
contributors — at work, in their communities, and in their families.

Not a "sensitivity training" with a lot of rules, this course offers a clear understanding
of people with disabilities as real people, who treasure their independence, and are
very skilled at living — and working — with their disabilities.

Managers have great responsibility, and need the best team of workers to achieve their
goals. This session looks at the common questions and concerns about how workers
with disabilities can contribute.

Contact Gary Karp by email or at 415.509.6682.

When do you need a training program?

A great presentation plants an idea, leaves an impression, provides a lighter respite from more technical, less skilled presenters.

Training is the next step in effectiveness — and to change a culture, it's what you need. A well-designed, well-delivered training program is goal-oriented, focused on achieving specific objectives.

Training takes more time, because it needs to be interactive. It also takes a facilitator who has the skills to teach adults, to engage people and invite participation, and design a course that uses various delivery methods to optimize interest and retention.

Gary Karp has studied training and development. The combination of his excellent speaking skills with his abilities as a facilitator allow him to achieve disability awareness training goals for the good of your organization.

Gary Karp teaching at a conference table, laptop in front, a projected slide behind him which says "Service Animals."